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"It's out there. You just have to find it."™

Stages of Producing a Web Site:
  Content Development
  Production and Start-Up
  Maintenance and Expansion

Before you begin the process of producing your web site, consider the following questions:
Who do you want to reach and what do you want to tell them? Decide on your target audience and your message. A total solution is not necessary at the on-start, however, you should have a global theme for the site for continuity. You may want to consider beginning with a basic presence and then adding the rest of the content in stages. As long as you provide for the future expansion in your site structure and approach, this is a great way to get on-line quickly and continueto develop the site while gathering customer feedback.

Who will maintain the site? Good Web sites are high-maintenance. Before you put yours on-line, be sure you have lined up a competent content editor to oversee its care and growth, and a webmaster to interface with the internal or external hosting service. Note: these are significant and time-consuming responsibilities and should not be presented as a minor adjunct to an existing job. AECLinks can provide both of these services to your organization or you can look to your employees in order to save money.

Where will the site reside? Selection of a service to "host" your site, or maintain it on a server connected to the Internet, is an important consideration based on cost, anticipated traffic, requirement for statistics and special services, and other factors. Companies with in-house server capabilities can often benefit from having the site hosted elsewhere. Hosting allows you to free up internal hardware and software and their attributing headaches.

A Web presence is a chance to say 'Here I am!', but your visitors will soon tire of a 'me, me, me' approach. As a publisher of information on the Internet, you and your development staff must be ready to shift your mind set from conventional communications to Internet communications. The Internet is a collection of interlinked ideas and you should reward your visitors and continue its underlying spirit of free exchange of information.

Key Stages of Producing a Web Site

1. Content Development
  1. Assess original project purpose, objectives and intended audience, and identify related marketing factors, including
    • company standards of identification
    • current activity in other media
    • web sites of similar and competitive companies

  2. Identify sources of content and potential user-interactive functionality

  3. Based on these determinations, consider options in style and approach to determine the best match for your purpose and audience.

  4. Develop a structural organization of content reflecting both...
    • the internal structure, where files actually reside and can be easily located for future updating
    • the external connectivity that uses hyperlinks to lead visitors through a logical path of information

  5. Design a user interface that is distinctive in design, consistent with the company image, and effective at guiding visitors to desired information.

  6. Create navigational environment that loads quickly and enhances presentation of content

  7. Adapt text for suitability to the Internet's information-oriented audience

  8. Establish a schedule and identify resources for periodic updating of content

2. Production and Start-Up
  1. Determine a suitable domain name, verify its availability, and have it registered.

  2. Incorporate content into the hyperlink structure, including
    • conversion and coding of text into HTML format
    • creation of internal and external hyperlinks as appropriate to content
    • formatting of topical graphics
    • generation of art work as dictated by the content

  3. Develop programming as needed for special capabilities such as interactive feedback and transaction forms, archiving of information, and incorporation of database search engines.

  4. Proofread and troubleshoot content to verify proper appearance and functionality using various common browsers, screen resolutions and platforms

  5. Transfer the site to host computer and interface with technical personnel to ensure proper start-up.

  6. List the site with major Internet search engines, with custom-developed wording and META fields to override standard automatic identification methods

  7. Write and issue announcements to appropriate newsgroups and other Internet resources, along with print media publications. Be sure to incorporate your Web site address and e-mail address on all your corrospondance, including letterhead, brochures and business cards.
3. Maintenance and Expansion

  1. Establish an individual or team to assume responsibility for maintaining and updating the content

  2. Refresh content periodically according to schedule or availability

  3. Monitor activity using statistics available from service provider

  4. Introduce new content periodically and archive or remove outdated information judiciously

This should give you a basic overview of what's involved. Now, why not contact us to develop a solution for YOU!




$50.00 setup + $10/month
· 1 page
· 2 screens per page
· background texture or color
· 1 image or logo scanned and setup
· 2 related graphic images
· horizontal bar dividers
· 3 URL links to other pages
· “designed by” link
· page announcement to search engines page link from our site


$150.00 setup + $20/month
· all the features of a WEB PAGE plus:
· 4 pages
· background sound effects
· 1 e-mail forwarding account
· 1 animated graphic image


$250 setup + $30/month
· all the features of a WEB SITE plus:
· “frames” page layout design
guest questionnaire/information form

Additonal Services and special packages available for Professional Organizations. Contact us for a Quote .

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* Review a partial list of our satisified clients.
* Check for the availability of a domain name here!

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